Here I learned that rowing forward in a little more difficult than if I had turn the boat around rowed backwards. I look like I am going up
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Dingy lessons part two
This video is a little longer....but you will see why I put the whole thing in if you watch it all.......
I didn't know that steering the boat would be the easy part. As I got closer, I realized I had to manuver it up to the boat without crashing. Lesson learned..........
Stop the motor before you reach the boat......but not before you get to the boat....and don't wait too long to row with both oars back to the boat!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Dingy lessons part one
So I decided that I should learn the use of the dingy since, who knows, I may need to get back to the boat by myself for some Chris needing a beer after he skins the bear or me needing to grab something I forgot (like I always do).
On this inital trip I was able to crank it. A few rips......well maybe more than a few. But it did crank and off I went. Chris decided to film...which I appreciate his care in detail on the next two lessons. And of course he was so patient not to give me too much advice.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
PWS Bear Hunt
On Saturday we spent all day on the boat hunkered down. It rained and rained and rained. Not drizzle but rain. One thing for sure, it pays to go on these kinds of trips with people who don't mind being around in small places. Chris and I can sit and be around each other without a problem or anoyance. Sometimes we talked....sometimes we read...sometimes I just slept for hours. I really caught up on alot of sleep during this five day trip. Chris even seemed to relax alot. He couldn't piddle around like he does at home.
Sunday was gorgeous after noon. The sun came out and basically stayed out for the next few days. On Sunday, I had my chance at stalking a bear. We saw him on the beach eating the tender grasses which seemed to be fresh and new just waiting on wildlife's attention. The bear didn't seem large but the hunt was afoot just as soon as Chris eyed it. That was our way of finding or take a nap....look up....and I would hear Chris say "Bear...get your gear!" I would occassionally spot a bear, but he definitely has the eye for what to look for. Usually my spoting consisted of bear bushes or bear rocks. Anyhow, we loaded up the dingy. My bow in hand and made our way to the beach a ways from the actually spot where the bear was munching slowly near a nice little waterfall. So the waterfall helped drown our noise and we were downwind from him. Perfect for stalking. I was so nervous. You see.....I needed to be able to get within 30 yards of this bear due to that being my best practice shots I have made with my bow with broadheads.
Needless to say...I got least to the last corner prior to where the bear was last seen. Notched my arrow....rounded the corner....but he was gone. Whew! Wasn't sure whether I was relieved or disappointed.
More to come....................
Monday, May 18, 2009
Gold Nugget Tri 2009
My swimming was group averaging 45-50 jumped in the pool 15-20 seconds apart and swam what they call a "snake swim" weaving up and down the lanes under the ropes until we reached the last lane. Then we climbed out of the pool....ran to where our bikes stood in waiting formations ready and eager to have the owners take them for a spin. My goodness though, the transition from pool to my bike seemed longer, further, yet we got to run past a steady stream of onlookers waiting for their own family member, friend, or love one to come running past them. But still they would cheer most on even though they may not have known them. ......I heard my name....."Go Sharie!".....and it wasn't even my husband's voice.....just someone in the crowd who knew me.
As I got to my bike, I could feel the warmth of the sun. So all the stuff I packed in my can beside my bike to weather the cold didn't seem needed and too much to bother with. I put on my helmet, slipped on my shorts, scurried into my shoes, my number 1023 secured to my abdomen, and my bike gloves jerked on......snapping my bike out of it's wooden holder, I ran it to the bike start. Soon as I heard the chirp of my chip as I crossed the carpet, I jumped on my bike and pushed with all my might against the peddles that would be my stable platforms for another 30 minutes.
Then as I rounded the first curve on the way out of the gates, I heard it. That awful noise I knew was probable....the tire pump I added to my bike the hour before I parked it yesterday in its numbered spot. I freaked out for just a second and did the worse thing a racer could do. By adding something to my bike without test driving it first, I adding minutes to my bike time. The darn pump came loose twice during my travel towards the nine mile mark. So twice I had to completely stop to tighten it making me have to restart with all the energy I could mustard considering my thoughts and words were just.......*%#*....