Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Married Life

So, here I am again. Studying away. Joining the millions of 40 somethings attempting to keep their minds active while denying the inevitable aging process. Hoping that the aging process doesn't affect the mind like it seems to with so many. The occassional lost of keys is not what I am talking about.........

.......oh, what was I saying?

Chris and I have been together for over 2 years...almost 3 by December. It has been so easy being with him. Sometimes I wonder if it is because we are really, really in love or because we are just mature enough to recognize that it doesn't work to sweat the small things. I like to think we are really, really in love. Chris probably leans more to the logical thought that we are mature (or at least he is) enough to behave correctly, give room when room is needed, and allow for scratchy behaviors occassionally from the other.

No matter what.....I love him.


The Ranch was a beautiful way to renew myself, gain some insight about my loved ones, review what is most important in life. There is no way I could ever put into words the settling of my spirit. Big skies, warm weather, gentle beings all around me both in human and various creature form. Even the sound of the crickets were music to my thoughts. I appreciated the nibble of horses....the smell of sage....and gift of love given to me by the grannies.

The Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho once said, “When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are ...not ready. The challenge will not wait.”.